We visited Belize City, Belize, and took a bus ride to the New River where we took an exciting boat ride to Lamanai. It’s definitely worth having a tour guide to explain what you are seeing at this very impressive ruin of a large ancient Mayan city.

An example of the many wading birds along the river bank. This one seemed to be posing for me.

This was the only crocodile we got to see along the river but the guide said there are many more. This cute little guy was about as long as my forearm from his nose to his hind legs.

This is the first time I’ve seen a termite nest. There were many on trees above the river canopy. They provide an important source of food for the ecosystem. I didn’t try them but our guide said they taste similar to a cinnamon spice flavor.

A ground-level view of the High Temple of Lamanai. Those little specks at the top are people.

It looks even taller from the top. I lost count of the steps.

A commanding view of the river from the top of the High Temple.

A scary big vine growing on an even bigger palm tree gives you a feeling of how small we are compared to this beautiful jungle.

Our enthusiastic and educated guide showing us an artist’s rendering of how this ancient building may have looked after its construction and a tourist volunteering to hold the structure down.

The massive and beautiful Temple of the Jaguar. You feel so small in its presence.

The face of the jaguar. There is one on each side of the base of the temple.

A good example of the houses that dot the riverbank. They’re definitely built to account for rising water.

The boat stopped here back at Lamanai Landings so we could cool down, get something to drink and shop for some souvenirs before getting back on the bus to Belize City.

I really enjoyed seeing Lamanai. I definitely recommend bringing lots of water to drink and wearing both sunscreen and insect repellent.

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