Valparaiso ascensors are a unique local transportation in the UNESCO historic quarter of Valparaiso in Chile. The historic quarter of Valparaiso is located on the coastal plain and part way up the steep surrounding hills, where the city first developed.

The word βascensorβ means an elevator or a lift in Spanish. These ascensors have been used to travel up and down the hills where people live in Valparaiso. Historically, there were many ascensors in Valparaiso. However, only a few of them are still in operation. Since 2003, the historic quarter of the seaport city of Valparaiso has been listed as an UNESCO site and these ascensors are also part of the world heritage.
Most of these Valparaiso ascensors are funiculars (a pair of cars on the same cable that are pulled up and down at the same time. While one car is going up, the other car is going down). We rode on the ascensor El Peral, which connects the Plaza de la Justicia (Justice Square), behind the Comandancia Armada de Chile, with the Paseo Yugoslavo (Yugoslav Walk). The top of the ascensor El Peral offers a spectacular view of the port area and the hills.
The entrance of the ascensors is frequently located in places that are not easy to spot. For example, the entrance of ascensor El Peral is in a unnoticeable alley way between two tall buildings. Look for the ascensor signs carefully!
The ascensors are unique features of Valparaiso. When visiting Valparaiso, look closely among all the colorful buildings on the slopes. You will be delighted to see an ascensor unexpectedly. Here are the ones that I found.
How many can you spot?
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