Fire Emblem Three Houses is one of the first games I got on the switch, and immediately loved. The story and the game play are pretty interesting, but what I really love about this game is the characters.

There may be a few spoilers in this article, but I’m going to talk more about the characters rather than the story.

Out of the three houses you can choose to teach, the Black Eagles are a pretty odd bunch.

Here is my drawing of the Black Eagle house members pre-timeskip.

Fire Emblem Three Houses Black Eagles

Here is my drawing of the Black Eagle house members post-timeskip.

Fire Emblem Three Houses Black Eagles Timeskip

Right to left: Dorothea, Bernadetta, Petra, Edelgard, Hubert, Ferdinand, Caspar, Lindhart (laying down), and Female main character (pre-timeskip only).

First, you have Edelgard who is the house leader of the Black Eagles. She is next in line to become the emperor of the Adrestian Empire. If you develop some good relationship with her, you will learn that she was an experiment of “those who slither in the dark”. She has two crests because of that experiment and she probably got her white hair because of it too. Edelgard is a very nice character and it’s sad that she dies in all routes except for her own.

Edelgard has a friend (follower?) named Hubert. Hubert looks really scary and acts pretty unfriendly. But once you get to know his character, he is actually really sweet. A lot of the support conversations between Hubert and other Black Eagle members are pretty hilarious. 

Lindhart and Bernadetta keep running away from Hubert (both for different reasons) and Ferdinand argues with Hubert about coffee and tea. Hubert also has a tendency to threaten to kill anyone who becomes a problem for ‘her majesty’. He, is like Edelgard, dies in every route except for the Black Eagle route.

One of my personal favorites is Ferdinand von Aegir. The reason I remember his full name? He shouts it out loud and clear whenever he is on the battlefield. “I AM FERDINAND VON AEGIR”. It got to the point that I would shout it with him.

Ferdinand is a tea aficionado and believes that it is his duty as a noble to protect people who are not noble. He is the complete opposite of the dark and gloomy Hubert. Dorothea tells him he acts like a bee, and Lorenz shares a civil discussion with him about being noble and tea. I find Ferdinand to be a very silly and cute character. Therefore, he is one of my favorites.

Caspar is a straighforward and simple character. l really like his sweet support conversations with Bernadetta. His personality and actions are pretty easy to read.

Lindhart is a very funny character. He is smart, tired all the time, and blunt. His unique skill is called “catnap” which explains who he is altogether. I enjoy reading his support conversations, because most of the time it is about his friends being totally done with him.

Petra is from a different continent. She came to the Adrestian Empire to bring her homeland and the Empire together. She is very nice to everyone and really boosts confidence in a lot of her comrades. I love how wholesome and sweet Petra is. She is also a very good fighter (I had a hard time defeating her).

Most of the time Bernadetta can be found in her room. I really love her support conversations. Despite the fact she seems scared of everyone, she is still really supportive if anyone ever starts to doubt themselves. Her story is pretty sad and I think the only route that she ever decides to really come out of her room is the Black Eagle route.

Dorothea is the only commoner in the Black Eagle house. She has a pretty sharp tongue but cares about her friends deeply. Later in the game her magic gets really strong and she can attack from really far away.

Who is your favorite Black Eagle house member?

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