My online learning experience started off well. I was able to complete my work, keep track of all my assignments, and not to worry about doing homework on the weekends. The trick is to maintain a regular daily routine.

Online learning is exhausting

But recently, I’ve had to do a lot of my homework during the weekends, so that I can turn it in on time at the begining of the next week when I will get even more homework. The work has been increasing ever since the beginning of school.

The biggest problem I have with the online schooling is that I can’t really interact with the teachers. In a real classroom, I can see the teachers in person, face-to-face. Talking to other students is also a big part of learning together in a classroom and it’s something I miss a lot. Talking to the teachers outside of the classes through online learning also have been difficult, so I always try to ask my questions during the online classes when I can speak to the teachers directly.

Another problem with not being in a real classroom is whenever the teacher asks a question, there is always an awkward silence and the poor teacher is just watching the muted bubbles to see if anyone is paying attention.

However, despite all of the difficulties involved with online learning, there are some parts of online learning that I do like. I like starting school at 9 am and ending at 3:30 pm. We no longer need to get up super early (5am) to get on a bus.

Something else I find I enjoy doing is taking the online tests. Surprised? Me too. I’m not as nervous taking tests online as I’m taking tests in the classroom. I find it easier to concentrate on a test without a teacher breathing down my back.

Overall I much prefer going to school and learning face-to-face with my teachers and other students. I hope to get back soon, but I still want to be safe. What do you think of online learning? What is your experinece of online learning?

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