In Animal Crossing New Horizons, Pascal was a new character introduced along with the swimming update. Pascal is a silly, cute otter who loves scallops. When you catch a scallop, there is a chance that he will appear and ask if you want to give the scallop to him. If you do, he will give something to you in return.

Animal Crossing New Horizons Pascal the Otter

He gives mermaid DIY recipes, clothing, and very rare pearls that are used for DIY recipes. You can only get one item per day. Along with giving you stuff, he also likes to make you think a bit by telling you mind-tricking quotes.

Here are the ones that he has told us and we will continue to add more as we get them.

  1. “Downward-facing dog might be a yoga pose, maaan, but upward-facing otter is a way of life.”
  2. “If you’re cool with wearing your pajamas all day, maybe you actually just like wearing your clothes to bed.”
  3. “A guy made dogs drool by ringing a bell, but so what? Bells make EVERYONE drool. Bells are delicious!”
  4. “Folks say you can’t have too much of a good thing, but after three gallons of ice cream, it stops feeling true.”
  5. “If molecules are made of atoms, and atoms are made of even smaller things…like, how deep does this go?”
  6. “If the sun didn’t set sometimes, we’d never get to see the other stars.”
  7. “Maaan, gravity gets a bad rap. It’s just, like, the planet’s way of asking us to stick around.”
  8. “Holes are like mountains made of nothing, maaan.”
  9. “You don’t always get to do what you love, but you can always learn to love what you do.”
  10. “They always reboot movies, so why not food? And can I get a sequel to carbonara? Carbonara 2, maaan!”
  11. “Lions are the kings of the jungle, but they live in the savanna. So, do they like ruling from a distance, or what?”
  12. “Folks kept tallin’ me my shirt was on inside out the other day, but, maaan, I was dressin’ for me, not for them.”
  13. “Lots of folks try to take the easy road, but, maaan, that just means you’ve gotta deal with a lot of traffic.”
  14. “Pancakes, maaan… Just… Pancakes.”
  15. “Laughter is your brain getting so excited, it forgets how lungs work. “Hur hur!” It’s the best malfunction.”
  16. “Talented folks are just normal folds who practice something more than other folds, maaan.”
  17. “They’re called “sea stars,” but how do we know who came first? Maybe stars should be called “sky fish.”
  18. “Biting the inside of your mouth while you eat is your body’s way of saying, “Slow down, maaan. Enjoy the food.”
  19. “Peanut butter knows EXACTLY what it’s doing…and it should be ashamed of itself, maaan.”
  20. “Who was the first to think that eating shellfish was a good idea? Must have been an otter…”
  21. “Next time you’re feeling down, ask yourself: Am I blue, or do i just need to eat a big pile of scallops?”
  22. “All things in moderation, including moderation. That’s my recipe for chocolate-chip cookies, maaan.”
  23. “Ice is just water that’s lost its spirit of adventure, maaan.”
  24. “Ever read a book about gravity? They’re impossible to put down, maaan…”
  25. “They say the early bird get the worm, but those evening birds seem to be doing just fine.”
  26. “If you can’t get your jam out of the jar, does that mean you’re in a jammed-jam jam?”
  27. “DJs better watch it. If they keep droppin’ the bass, they’re gonna break it. But we’ll all end up payin’”
  28. “Dreams are like the greatest-hits shows of your unconscious-mostly old footage to save money.”
  29. “If eyes are windows to the soul, is the mouth a garage door? Makes sense. I always forget to close mine.”
  30. “Isn’t your birthday just the anniversary of something somebody else did? Think about it, maaan.”
  31. “Do you think ducks get confused during heated dodgeball matches?”
  32. “If variety is the spice of life, then friends have gotta be, like, the peach cobbler.”
  33. “You ever stop while diggin’ up fossils and wonder what kinda museum you’re gonna end up in someday?”
  34. “Some folks will tell you not to buy a boat. Bet they’ll also tell you not to eat candy or listen to music!”
  35. “Ever mix up your dreams and your memories? Makes you wonder which one is real, maaan.”
  36. “You gotta love feeling the warm sun on your back. It’s like Mother Nature’s putting a sweater on you.”
  37. “If you love someone, send ’em a mixtape, and then think about it for 15 years. Works every time, maaan.”
  38. “You. Me. Everyone. We’ve all got problems. But, man, it’s comforting to know we have that in common.”
  39. “We did gnats dirty. Didn’t even let ‘em suggest a better name. We were like, “Gnat.” Then they were gnats.”
  40. “A child’s laugh…and a horn section with a sax in front. That’s it. That’s the orchestra pit of the universe.”
  41. “Everyone’s heard of an eager beaver. But otters are 100 times more eager. So wh don’t we get credit for it?”
  42. “If you gotta say something that’s hard, but sure it comes from a place of love…or, at least, a place of pizza.”
  43. “Never count your chickens before they’ve hatched. You gotta respect their privacy, maaan.”
  44. “It’s more fun to ride a slow bike fast than a fast bike slow. But, like, a waterslide is more fun than ANY bike.”

What is your favorite Pascal quote?

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